Monday, September 15, 2014

Mioko Iyhara

Pictures: Miyoko Ihara / Rex Features from the Telegraph

Nine years ago, Japanese photographer Miyoko Ihara began taking pictures of the kinship between her grandmother and her unusual-eyed white cat. 

 Miyoko's grandma Misao found the abandoned cat as a kitten in a shed on her property and the pair have rarely been apart since.

"Misao named the white cat "Fukumaru" in hope the "God of fuku (good fortune)  would come and everything would come "full circle"  (as maru :circle)".

Fukumaru is always at Misao's side whether she is farming her land, having a bath, eating or sleeping.

 Now nearly a decade later their closeness and adventures have been published by Miyoko in a photography book called  Misao the Big Mama and Fukumaru the Cat.  

The couple have become increasingly popular in Japan with this unusual photo essay becoming a bestseller and becoming a viral sensation across the world. 

  All these pictures tell a lovely tale of friendship that not many of us can resist.      

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